Energy Usage Guide

Electricity that is always there and ready to make our lives a little easier.

In 1935, the introduction of electricity set a new standard of living for rural Minnesota residents. In homes, farms and businesses, the newest electric services brought light to the dark and heat to the cold.

Since then, electricity and its uses have multiplied so much that we hardly ever think about how often we use it. Even though we can't touch it or see it, electricity is always there ready to make our lives a little easier whether we're using it to wash dishes, dry grain or do our taxes on the computer. In fact, it seems that every day a new electrotechnology is introduced that will make our lives that much better.

But because electricity and its millions of uses are such a prevalent part of our lives, it is sometimes hard to gauge exactly how much of it we use as we work, farm or play.

Below is the information you need to calculate your electric usage and ways to make your farm, home or business even more energy efficient.

your family's energy guide

Calculate your electric usage and learn ways to make your farm, home or business even more energy efficient.

your family's energy guide publication