BASE CHARGE Up to 7.5 KVA 10 KVA transformer 15 KVA transformer 25 KVA transformer 37.5 KVA transformer 50 KVA transformer
$50.00 (min.) $52.50 $55.00 $57.50 $60.00 $62.50
Over 50 KVA transformer is $62.50 for each 50 KVA of transformer capacity installed, or fraction thereof, plus appropriate share for any direct equipment, additional distribution and/or other costs to serve the load.
ENERGY CHARGE All kWh used April 1 through Dec. 31 All kWh used Jan. 1 through March 31
Large Power Service
BASE CHARGE Each 50 KVA of transformer capacity installed is $62.50, or fraction thereof, plus the appropriate share for any direct equipment, additional distribution and/or other costs required to serve the load.
DEMAND CHARGE $10.00 per month per KW of billing demand
7.26¢ per kWh
OFF-PEAK Long Term Intermittent Cycled Intermittent Non-Cycled Short Term
5.74¢ 5.74¢ 5.84¢ 6.54¢
Automatic Yard Light Service
CHARGE PER LIGHT Yard Lights (monthly)
OTHER CHARGES The consumer shall be responsible for the reasonable care of the light, including repair of vandalism, damage or breakage.
Moving or reinstalling of an existing light will be on a time and material basis with a minimum charge of $50.00. Posts and fixtures for ornamental installations will be paid for or provided by the consumer.
Off-Peak Heating Programs and Rates
To review the Off-Peak Heating programs and rates, please go to Off-Peak Heatingor call our Member Services department at 1-800-244-5709.
Base Charge
The base charge is the monthly charge that is billed to each member. It is the amount needed to maintain the equipment (lines, meters, transformers, etc.) and deliver power that serves you, whether power is used or not. The amount of the base charge is determined on the size of your service. This is the minimum amount that must be billed per active account each month.
(Will no longer have as of April 1, 2023)
The surcharge is a pass through charge from Minnkota Power Cooperative, our power supplier, for costs associated with the delivery of power.