Off-Peak Heating Program

Safe, clean and efficient electric heat.

You won’t find a cleaner, safer or more reliable way to heat your home than with electricity. According to many energy experts, the most efficient and affordable way to heat your home is with off-peak electric heat.

An off-peak heating system uses safe, clean, efficient electric heat as the primary means of heating your home. During times of peak demand for electricity, the electric heating system is turned off by a ripple receiver and an alternate heating system keeps your home warm. The rates for off-peak electric heat are considerably less than the regular electric rates.

(PLEASE NOTE: Before an off-peak meter can be installed, a Load Management Application must be completed, signed and returned to Wild Rice Electric by the consumer.)

Compare heating costs

The rates for off-peak electric heat are considerably less than the regular electric rates. Compare the heating costs of various heating systems in "Electric Living."

electric living publication

Off-Peak Programs

Short-Term (Spot Heat) Off-Peak Service

Available to all consumers with existing, or newly constructed, electrically heated buildings where the electric heating load can be subjected to a maximum of eight hours of controlled off time in any one day. The maximum of controlled off time in any one period during that day is four hours. The consumer shall provide the capability of automatically controlling a minimum of 65% of the total connected electric heating load at any one time during controlled periods. The remaining 35%, or less, of heat load will be uncontrolled and fed from the main service panel. The consumer shall furnish the meter base and other necessary equipment installed to Minnesota Wiring Code.  The rate for all kilowatt-hours used on the off-peak meter, which applies to that portion of the heating load that is controlled, is 7.4 cents.

Intermittent (Storage Heating) Off-Peak Service - Cycled

Available to all consumers for controlled use during off-peak hours of electric demand for storage heating, domestic water heating and other electric loads as designated by the cooperative. At the present time any heating loads in this program are subject to daily cycled control from Nov. 1 to April 30 each season. The cycle times are from approximately 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. daily. The hours of service will not be less than eight hours per 24-hour period on slab storage systems and not less than 12 hours per 24-hour period on ETS room storage systems. The consumer shall furnish the meter base and other necessary equipment installed to Minnesota Wiring Code. The rate for all kilowatt-hours used on the off-peak meter is 6.0 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Intermittent (Storage Heating) Off-Peak Service - Non-Cycled

Available to all consumers for controlled use during off-peak hours of electric demand for storage heating, domestic water heating and other electric loads as designated by the cooperative. The hours of service will not be less than eight hours per 24-hour period on slab storage systems and not less than 12 hours per 24-hour period on ETS room storage systems. The consumer shall furnish the meter base and other necessary equipment installed to Minnesota Wiring Code. The rate for all kilowatt-hours used on the off-peak meter is 6.7 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Long-Term (Dual Heat) Off-Peak Service

Available to all consumers using the following: electric heat as the primary source backed up by an automatic fossil fuel furnace. The backup system shall be adequately sized to sustain up to 500 hours of control time. A 30-day supply of fuel will be maintained by the consumer at their premises. The consumer shall furnish the meter base and other necessary equipment installed to Minnesota Wiring Code. The rate for all kilowatt-hours used on the off-peak meter is 6.0 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Water Heater Control Program

Available to all consumers with existing or new electric water heaters that can be subjected to a maximum of eight hours of controlled off time on any one day. The maximum of controlled off time in any one period during that day is four hours. A credit of $5 per month, for the months of November through April, will be given for each water heater under control. A minimum total consumption in each of the above months is 500 kilowatt-hours or more per water heater to receive the credit.